Pet acupuncture: Would you try this alternative treatment?


Pet acupuncture: Would you try this alternative treatment?

You have probably heard of acupuncture for humans, but the ancient Chinese therapy is growing in popularity among pet owners too as a holistic supplement to traditional veterinary care.

Just like with people, small needles are inserted into the animals' skin at defined points to try and relieve pain through stimulated blood circulation.

In cats and dogs it is most commonly used in musculoskeletal and chronic pain ailments such as arthritis or gastrointestinal issues.

It emerged several decades ago but remains an unconventional and alternative therapy method that most vets don't use.

The International Veterinary Acupuncture Society (IVAS) now has about 1,900 members, and they are holding a conference in Cairns, Australia this week with practitioners from 21 countries.


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